Friday, July 3, 2009

Rembering Lot's Wife

I’m reading this excellent devotional book called “Moments with the Savior” by Ken Gire. Today’s chapter is called “An Instructive Moment About Our Lives” and is about Lot’s wife and what she was remembered for. She is remembered as one looking back…not trusting where God was taking her, but longing for a life that she had and didn’t want to leave.

I feel the parallel with my own life. Certainly I didn’t want to leave my old life and I have thought many times if I could only go back and do a few things differently – would it have turned out another way? Only God knows. I’m sure if I had been willing to deal with some of the issues in my own heart that I would be further along spiritually and emotionally, but I don’t have any idea whether I’d still be married and living the “Little House On the Prairie” existence that I did for many, many years. BUT, as I have learned, there is no gain in looking back (Lot’s wife), only looking forward. Ken Gire said something that really stuck out to me, however.

“Remember him. (Jesus)
Remember Lot’s wife.
And remember that one day you will be remembered too. By someone struggling along life’s path. By someone groping to find the way. By someone for whom your life has become a parable.”

I don’t know what I will be remembered for. I know what I HOPE to be remembered for…3 things:
· My walk with God
· My parenting
· My friendships

When it gets down to it for me, those are the three things I value the most. Of course there are other things that I could be remembered for – the music I love, quirky things about my personality, the type of employee I am. But by being close to the Lord, loving my children and being a good friend, I hope to inspire people to look forward in some way. Looking back is painful for me. It brings out a host of questions and “what ifs” and “whys” that I have no answers for. Looking forward, however has strengthened my relationship with God. I’ve had to learn to trust that God will provide – from my need to provide financially for my children to the need for love and acceptance.

I loved reading this chapter. It’s almost the holiday and I’m struggling a bit with not looking back to a time of family closeness and holiday fun. I’ll be thinking about Lot’s wife today, and hoping that I can keep my focus looking forward and not back. I want my life to be remembered as inspiring in some way, as an encouraging parable.

1 comment:

  1. This is very inspiring and makes me think of what I want to be remembered for as well. Also, to keep looking forward - I'll pray for us both to not look back in fear but ahead in faith.
